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Registration Rules

Part 500. Proceedings to Deny, Condition, Suspend and Revoke Registration


[Adopted effective April 4, 1988. Effective dates of amendments: January 1, 1990; September 30, 1992; December 10, 1993; August 1, 1994; September 7, 1998; March 12, 1999; July 1, 2001, December 15, 2004; November 18, 2009; September 30, 2010; November 7, 2010; July 18, 2012;  July 9, 2013 and September 15, 2017.]

NFA may refuse to register or register conditionally any person registered or applying for registration as an FCM, RFED, IB, CPO, CTA, LTM, as an AP of any of the foregoing, as an SD or MSP, as an FTF or as a floor broker or floor trader, or suspend or revoke the registration of any registrant in those categories, based upon the standards of fitness set forth in the Act. Interim Orders and Final Orders denying, revoking, conditioning, or suspending registration shall be made by the Membership Committee or a designated Subcommittee in accordance with the procedures set forth in Part 500 of these Rules. Such designated Subcommittee shall consist of one member of the Membership Committee and two members of NFA's Hearing Committee for all categories except floor brokers and floor traders and SDs or MSPs. The designated Subcommittee for floor brokers/floor traders shall consist of three persons, one of whom is a member of the Membership Committee, one of whom is a member of NFA's Hearing Committee and one of whom is a registered floor broker or floor trader approved by NFA's Board of Directors to be a member of such Subcommittee. The designated Subcommittee for SDs or MSPs shall consist of one member of the Membership Committee and two members of NFA's Hearing Committee, one of whom is an employee of an SD or MSP Member of NFA. The member of the Membership Committee sitting on each designated Subcommittee shall serve as the Chairman of the designated Subcommittee. At least one of the members on each designated Subcommittee shall not be an NFA Member or an Associate or an employee of an NFA Member. In cases submitted by the President to the Membership Committee or a designated Subcommittee, registration shall not be granted pending a final determination by the Membership Committee or a designated Subcommittee. No member of the Membership Committee or a designated Subcommittee shall either review a registration matter or participate in a registration action if the member, or any person with whom the member is connected, has a financial, personal or other direct interest in the matter under consideration or is disqualified under Bylaw 708(c).