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Registration Rules

Part 500. Proceedings to Deny, Condition, Suspend and Revoke Registration


[Adopted effective July 1, 2001.]

(a) All motions shall be in writing and served in accordance with these Rules. The Chairman of the Subcommittee may decide all pre-hearing motions concerning deadlines, location of the hearing, continuances, and requests for telephonic or video testimony. All other motions shall be decided by the full Subcommittee.

(b) NFA may, at any time, make a motion for summary judgment stating that, based upon the respondent's response and further submission, if any, and any other materials that are attached to the response, there are no issues of material fact to be determined and that registration should be denied or revoked.

(c) Both NFA and the respondent have a right to respond to any motion within ten days of service of the motion.