Filing Firm Withdrawal Requests and Notices of Individual Withdrawals in NFA's Online Registration System (ORS) FAQs
Registrants and applicants for registration must file a Firm Withdrawal Request Form 7-W in ORS to withdraw their registration or application. In addition, any FTF (non-natural person Floor Trader) requesting withdrawal must file a copy of its Form 7-W with each contract market or SEF that has granted it trading privileges. The withdrawal will become effective 30 days from the date NFA receives the request and required attachments unless the CFTC or NFA denies, conditions, postpones or expedites the withdrawal.
The sponsor must file an electronic Individual Withdrawal Notice (Form 8-T) within 30 days after an individual is no longer associated or affiliated with the sponsor as an AP or principal who was pending, temporarily licensed, registered or approved. A fee of $100.00 will be charged for a withdrawal notice received more than 30 days after the actual termination date. Broker-dealers may elect to complete and file the U-5 disciplinary questions as part of the Individual Withdrawal Notice in ORS. The sponsor that files the individual Withdrawal Notice must promptly provide a hard copy version to the person whose association/affiliation has been terminated.
No. FBs and individual FTs must request to withdraw their registration using a hard copy version of Form 8-W. You may download a copy of this form from NFA's web site and submit it to NFA's Chicago business address. In addition, any FB or FT requesting withdrawal from registration must file a copy of his/her Form 8-W with each contract market or SEF that has granted him trading privileges. The withdrawal will become effective 30 days from the date NFA receives the request and required attachments unless the CFTC or NFA denies, conditions, postpones or expedites the withdrawal. Individuals who no longer have trading privileges on any designated contract market should not file this form since FB and FT registration terminates automatically once NFA is notified that an individual no longer has trading privileges on any contract market.