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Compliance Rules

Part 2 - Rules Governing the Business Conduct of Members Registered with the Commission


[Adopted effective September 29, 1982. Effective date of Amendments: April 11, 1983; July 5, 1984; April 4, 1988; August 24, 1995; October 10, 1996; July 24, 2000; December 14, 2003; October 18, 2010 and June 30, 2020.]

(a) Any Member who violates any of CFTC Regulations 4.1, 4.7, 4.12 and 4.16 through 4.41 shall be deemed to have violated an NFA requirement. Members are also subject to the requirements of CFTC Regulation 5.4.

(b) Each Member CPO which delivers or causes to be delivered a Disclosure Document under CFTC Regulation 4.21 must include in the Disclosure Document a break-even analysis which includes a tabular presentation of fees and expenses. The break-even analysis must be presented in the manner prescribed by NFA's Board of Directors and must be accurate as of the date of the Disclosure Document.

(c) Each Member required to file any document with or give notice to the CFTC under CFTC Regulations 4.7, 4.12, 4.22, 4.26 or 4.36 shall file such document or notice electronically through NFA's filing system no later than the date such document or notice is due. Any CPO Member may file with NFA a request for an extension of time in which to file the annual report required by CFTC Regulation 4.22(c) or a request for approval of a change to its fiscal-year election electronically through NFA's filing system.