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Compliance Rules

Part 2 - Rules Governing the Business Conduct of Members Registered with the Commission


[Adopted effective October 15, 2024.]

(a) Each Member must file NFA's Member Questionnaire, in a form and manner prescribed by NFA, on at least an annual basis within the time period required by NFA. If requested by NFA, a Member must submit the Member Questionnaire, or specified portions, on a semi-annual basis within the time period required by NFA.

b) Each Member must promptly update applicable provisions in the Member Questionnaire to disclose material changes to the Member's business operations, which make the information previously submitted in the Questionnaire inaccurate or incomplete.

c) Except for SD and MSP Members (unless the firm is a Member in another NFA Membership category), each Member must ensure that the Member Questionnaire and any updates required by subsection (b) are reviewed, signed and submitted by an individual who is a registered associated person and a listed principal of the Member.

(d) SD and MSP Members (unless the firm is a Member in another NFA Membership category) must ensure that the Member Questionnaire and any updates required by subsection (b) are reviewed, signed and submitted by a principal of the Member.