In Memoriam: NFA Remembers Hal T. Hansen

NFA remembers Hal Hansen who passed away last week. In the 80s and 90s, Hal served on NFA's Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Membership Committee. He also served as Chair of NFA's Board from 1994 to 1998.

Hal Hansen was an important industry leader and a respected professional who worked to protect customers and investors. He was thoughtful and courteous, always generous and gracious, and a mentor to many industry leaders during his 40-year career.  

"Hal was an exceptional leader," said NFA CEO Tom Sexton. "His dedication made NFA the strong, vital organization we are today. Our thoughts and condolences are with Hal's family and friends."

NFA Board Chair Maureen Downs said, "On behalf of NFA's Board and staff, I would like to recognize Hal for his numerous contributions to both NFA and the industry. We are deeply grateful to Hal for his many years of outstanding leadership, knowledge and professionalism."